A place where one girl shares her thoughts and opinions on life, politics, and the world today.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pro Choice, not Pro Murder

Source: Click Here

I've been following this since it hit the news, and it just makes me sick every time I read about it.

Here's a man, who never completed the schooling to do abortions, not only performing them but doing so in such horrible conditions, and when and how he's not supposed to. And I can't help but feel that he was only seeing the dollar signs, and nothing else. It's these kinds of things that give abortion such a bad name.

I am Pro Choice. I am not Pro Murder.

I have said from the beginning of this debate that one has to draw a line somewhere on when you can and cannot have an abortion. I feel that if that baby could survive on its own outside of the womb, then you cannot have an abortion. At that point, it is actually alive. However, I do not feel that something that is not fully formed yet is wrong to have aborted. If it is not yet to the stage where it is a fetus that could survive outside the room, if lungs, heart, brain, ect have not formed yet so that it can actually live; then I don't feel it is truly alive.

Most doctors say this is during the first trimester, and the beginning of the second. And that's why you aren't supposed to be able to have an abortion after that amount of time, because then the fetus is able to survive after the induced labor.

Now, while I am Pro Choice, I am also Pro Limits.

I do not think abortion should be birth control!

Abortion should be a last-ditch method after all other avenues have been tried.

In this day and age of birth control pills/patches/IUDs/ect, condoms, spermicide, Plan B/Morning After Pill, and most importantly KNOWLEDGE; there is no excuse for getting pregnant!

Yes, accidents do happen. And there will always be that freak accident where the condom breaks, birth control fails, spermicide apparently didn't manage to kill them all, and holy shit you're pregnant. At this point you have taken all precautions, and you practiced safe sex. If you really don't want the child, an abortion is the last option out there if putting the child up for adoption isn't for you.

I've spoken with people who were given up for adoption because of things like this too. None of them feel too good about it. So adoption, while it means that the child is alive, isn't necessarily for the best.

So abortion should be a consideration.

I feel however in the case of rape, abortion should be allowed. You're talking a woman who was just violated, and had everything about who she was as a person destroyed. Making her carry for nine months a brutal reminder of this is just adding to the psychological trauma. And if she should keep that child, there's probably a much higher risk that the child will lead a troubled home life because of the mother's memories.

In the case of the mother's life being in danger if she were to proceed with the pregnancy and birth, abortion should absolutely be an option! It might seem like a noble thing to give birth and bring new life into the world, even if the mother dies in the process, but think how that child is going to feel knowing all this.

And too, in the case that you know your child would be born with severe developmental issues, I think abortion should be an option. It's just not fair to the child. Humans are cruel by nature, and a mother's love can only shelter a child from just so much. The quality of life just wouldn't be there, and that's not fair either.

However, in any of these cases it is NEVER okay to abort the child if you're into the final bits of pregnancy.

For those who feel the father should have a choice, I'd like to remind you that it's still the mother that must carry the child. In cases where the mother's life is not at risk and rape is not involved, I think the father should definitely have a say in it, but that it's ultimately the mother's decision. If the father wants to take the baby though, then that's fine too. But remember Dads, you're not the one who is going to have to carry the child for nine months and deal with all those fun trials and tribulations. And if you're the one pushing to keep the child, you ought to pay for the hospital expenses, because it's not cheap.

With all that said, I am firmly against the girls who fool around, get knocked up, and then use abortions like birth control pills. Not only do I think it's incredibly unhealthy, but I think it's morally wrong too.

Hell, I don't think married couples should use it that way either.

And I think that with all our technology, there should be a system in place to track abortions.

Think about it. Every legal citizen of the US has a social security number. HIPPA laws be damned, I think that those who have abortions should have them logged in a system only health professionals can see so that no one can abuse it. And I think the reason should be coded in too. A one for rape, two for health complications, three for choice, ect.

And then re-write HIPPA so that your doctor can only ask you about the abortions in certain instances.

Then people can't abuse the right. You can put laws in that regulate everything. Then you don't have to worry about tax dollars being needlessly spent on abortion.

Because like it or not, abortions will happen. And we can either allow them to be done safely, or we can have more clinics popping up like the one in the article.

Making abortions illegal is only going to drive people to perform them unsafely. You'll never be able to completely stop it from happening, so at least make it safe and keep it properly regulated.

And educate people on it.

Studies are already showing that teen pregnancy is down, which directly corresponds with increasing education about safe sex instead of abstinence only. So obviously education is doing a lot of good. Discuss what abortion does to a body, discuss the stages of fetal growth, discuss and teach everything. Let an informed decision be made.

I bet you'd find that abortion rates dropped too.

And last but not least, stop protesting outside of Planned Parenthood!

I know there are those who don't like what they do. Especially the church-going crowd. But for goodness sake, what are your protests actually doing? As we see with the one woman in the article, it scared a young girl into having a late-term abortion and a domino effect occurring. Rather than protesting PP, get out and offer counseling! Offer other solutions!

Or, just look the other way and voice your opinions elsewhere. Remember, not everyone prays to the same God in this country, which is part of what makes America so amazing. And so when you're protesting because your God frowns upon their decision, you really don't have a very strong argument for protesting with.

Facts speak louder than religion in this country.

And remember too, that Planned Parenthood is also a place where people can get affordable Plan B, where they can get advice on planning for a baby, where they can learn about contraceptives, and basically where they can get a lot of very useful information. Abortions are not the main thing offered there. And not all PP locations will offer them.

Planned Parenthood also isn't about promoting having sex. In fact, they too teach abstinence as the best option. However, they're willing to teach about other things too because they know that sex happens.

And in this day and age, it happens more than parents want to admit. And we all know that telling a child no just makes them want to go out and do the opposite all the more.

So in the end, education is best.
Regulation is the key.
Choice should never be taken away.
And Murder is always wrong.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can't just slap a bandaid on it

So there is a girl. She's 4'11", and was told that at 85lbs she's anorexic. Along with this she is stressed, depressed, and has insomnia. So the doctor gave her sleeping medication and told her to be sure to eat.

This has been going on for years, but she only just got diagnosed.

True story.

Anyone else see something wrong with this picture? If you don't, then the system has you jaded.

The problem here is that the anorexia caused everything else.

Depression can be caused by a poor diet, and by not sleeping.
Insomnia can be caused by not eating, because the body will think that if it sleeps, it will die.
When you can't sleep, and are depressed, your stress rises.
When you don't eat, you get sick more often, causing depression and stress.
Not being able to sleep will make you depressed. Or vice-versa.

And yet the doctor gave her sleeping medication. Just a bandaid.

That's like telling someone who just slipped with the knife in the kitchen peeling potatoes and gashed their thumb bad enough where it needs stitches, to put a bandaid on it and they'll be fine.

This whole country is jaded into just healing the symptoms, and never getting to the route of the problem. And doctors are a major component in this. Part of it though are the malpractice suits, and since symptoms are safer to treat...

Yeah, I think you see where this is going.

Everyone is blaming bad habits and the like for why this country is full of sick people. I blame the fact that no one is getting treated for the cause of their problems!

If I were treating that girl, I'd have her on a regimented diet. Menus and all. Poor family or not, it's not difficult to have store-brand cereal with a bit of milk in the morning, a sandwich with a bit of lunch meat on it around midday, and then to make a meal with one meat and two veggies for dinner. It can be managed! It just might mean buying juice instead of soda. Not going to Starbucks or Dunkin' Doughnuts on your way to work every day during the week. Not buying those candy bars to tide yourself over. Bringing water from the tap instead of buying it bottled. Simple things.

How many other people out there remain sick though because just the symptoms get treated? Kind of scary to think about.

With my IBS, I was offered stuff that would treat the symptoms. If I took this med, it'd help stop acid production. And if I took the other one, it'd increase bacteria. While the next one would get rid of the constipation.

In the end, I just started to exercise more, and changed my diet to be more healthy, and it seems to have everything under control. Granted, there's no cure for IBS, but instead of just masking the symptoms I went to the root of the problem, and am working on regulating that instead. Seems a hell of a lot healthier to me.

So next time you go to the doctor, give them a little credit for all the schooling they went through. Stop thinking about filing for malpractice before the appointment has even happened. And listen. And tell them you don't want to treat symptoms, you want to find and treat the problem!

See what they say. See if they agree with you.

And if you're able to do this, see how much better you feel because of it. Your body will thank you.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dear Employers, Dear Employees...

Dear Employers,

You need to be more like the company I work for.

I am not as versed in the ways of the world as some, but I've held those lower-level jobs and have a pretty good idea.

I did the retail thing. I've done food service. I have enough supervisory experience under my belt that I was qualified for an assistant manager's position in a couple places.

And in most of my experiences, you as employers all sucked.

Just because it's menial labor and you have a bunch of different stores doesn't give you an excuse to treat your employees badly. Positive reinforcement goes a long way in the work force, and your managers should know this!

Where I work now, everyone helps each other. And if a mistake is made, no one is afraid to admit it because you're not berated. In fact, you can ask questions without feeling like and idiot. And if you do make a mistake, you're kindly told how it should have been done, and there are no hard feelings.

But what's most important, is when you do something right, or come up with a good idea, they tell you as much. It's not just passed over and smiled about, they tell you a good job.

You just don't see that very often anymore. These days, the only time you hear from your superiors is when you're doing something wrong. And it's always anger that you seem to get. And the managers have crazy amounts of responsibility heaped on them, too, so they're also victims of the system.

The whole thing is broken. And it needs to start from the top, and work its way down.

Where I work now does not have as much of a turnover as where I used to work, either. In fact, we're such a good team that the company is growing by leaps and bounds instead of struggling through this troubled economy. And the employees, get this, are happy.

Morale is a big thing in the workplace.

So employers, time to step up to the plate and start treating your employees well. They will in turn be better workers for you.

No more screwing with their hours.
No more screaming and never complimenting.
No more playing favorites.
No more poor working conditions.
No more bad scheduling that pushes the legality limits of hours employees work.
No more being jerks.

Dear Employees,

You are not God's gift to a company (probably), so don't act like it.

Face it, there are ten people, probably more in this economy, at any given time who are ready to replace you should you decide to leave a job. You quitting will not cripple the company, and you're not that important. Sure, in some cases maybe you are, but you've usually worked with the company a long time to get to that point.

So don't act like a pompous jerk because you think they need you. They don't.

Value your job and make them want to keep you--to promote you.

And I'm tired of hearing about how you're "too good for a job." This is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. When you need money to put some food in your belly, that job probably will be just right.

Remember, you have to start somewhere, and it's normally the bottom. Want a better job? Give them a reason to promote you!

Especially all you kids my age! Since when is food service and retail too good for us? We are untrained workers in a world where training is everything because an employer can demand it, unemployment is so high. If you hate your job that much, quit and give it to someone who'd be grateful just to have a paycheck.

Nothing says you have to stay with that job, but it's a good stopping point until you can find a career. That's what I did.

You also need to stop expecting a job and perks to just be handed to you. I know "No Child Left Behind" has given us this expectation that everything will be handed to us, but that's not how the world works. If you really want something, you better be prepared to work for it.

And I'm tired of the excuses, too, as to why you can't do better. Once you stop complaining, you'll probably see that you can! This goes for anyone of any age out there. I've heard it from young and old alike.

Remember, it's just a job. And it's going to keep you off the streets and fed.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time to Focus on Number One

America, land of the free. America the beautiful. America, land of opportunity.

What happened to the pride we used to have in these sayings? Our ancestors, and perhaps some of our elder living relatives, immigrated to America for a better life. They came over, and worked hard to make a life here, and give us what we have today.

And today, we are just giving it away to any country with open hands crying disaster, famine, and diseased.

America has taken on the burdens of the world, while receiving little to no help in return from anyone. In fact, we're actually a very hated country! But we keep on trying to help everyone, and meanwhile we forget about our own people.

When I used to do this with my friends, helping them out and always giving them advice while ignoring my own problems until they just exploded and I couldn't handle it anymore and had a major breakdown, my mother gave me the following advice:

"You have to worry about Number One, Yourself. Let your friends handle their own problems."

And she was absolutely right. And this lesson applies to America too.

It's time to worry about Number One. What about your own people America?

What about all our homeless? What about the kids going hungry because their parents can't find decent jobs? What about the deficit, corruption, and other issues here inside our own borders?

It seems that we're very eager to continue to give out foreign aid, and never really help ourselves.

I think it's time to go back to what George Washington originally wanted for us--laize faire. Basically it means we'll mind our own business, and you mind yours.

America needs to let go of other nations, and handle her own problems.

Imagine for a moment that all the money we spend each year in foreign aid were no longer being spent as such. Suddenly, the deficit doesn't seem like it'd be so big anymore, huh?

We spend billions of dollars helping other nations, and struggle to find the money to fund schools to educate our children.

There is something wrong here!

Is it great that we're helping third world countries? Yes. But what about America? What about the people who've sworn loyalty to her? Are they second rate next to foreign countries?

No folks, I think it's time for America to pull in the troops, call back the aid, and let the peace corps do as they please while America heals. Because if we don't fix ourselves soon, there isn't going to be an America around to hand out free candy anymore.

God and Schools and Freedoms

This post is brought to you by the following Facebook copypasta:

A boy writes a letter to God. "Dear God, why do you let bad things happen in our schools?" God replied, "Dear Son, I'm not allowed in your schools." I challenge you to re-post this

Now, I'm not one to normally repost things like this, or even care. I usually just pass them on by, and keep cruising through all the other Facebook-official stuff that's going on. Little Suzy had her first burp? How cute, hit the like button. Little Tommy broke the cookie jar? Whoops, sounds like a bad morning for Mommy. I like to keep up-to-date with my friends.

So I just ignore when they post all the chain stuff, especially the ones validating their religious views and calling them brave. Not in to it, don't particularly care. Personally, I don't think you're any less devoted to Jesus Christ if you don't repost the big mass chain that you love him and he loves you.

But this one in particular caught my eye. And it's not because it's religious, and it's not because I believe that if God were still in the public school less bad things would happen.

It's the original fact behind the matter--God is no longer in schools.

And for some this is great, because hey, that's what we have churches and bible schools for. And yes, this is true, we don't need to be teaching and preaching God in schools.

However, I don't think it's fair that every other religion can be observed and used in school, just not the Christianity-based ones. Take for example when it was in the news years back, about the girl who fought to be able to wear her berka(sp?) in observance of her Muslim holidays. This was pre-9-11. It wasn't the religious issues she had to fight necessarily, it was the rule that stated no hats allowed!

But heaven forbid a child say grace out loud for him/herself quietly, or fold their hands in prayer to do it silently before a meal. Or if someone should want to study their bible in study hall after the rest of their homework is done. Or keep a rosary in their locker for good luck. With schools these days you'll be in the principle's office faster than lightning!

I have a big problem with this. I think it's wrong that Christians and Catholics and other God-fearing religions are so prosecuted in schools, but nothing else is. I think based on our First Amendment right, all kids should be free to express their religious views for personal things.

That is to say I don't condone them being allowed to preach their religion. There shouldn't be children going around trying to save another's soul and such. But if a child wants to pray to God for a good grade before a test, I see nothing wrong with that!

God should not be taught in the public school system, but should be tolerated. Just like every other religion out there. You learn about the history of religious foundings in Global Studies, and you move on. If one wants to actively learn a religion, they'll go to a church, mosque, synagogue, or other place of worship.

On this same line of thought, I also think it's wrong how we immediately criminialize everything that is more "main stream" so to speak, and victimize everything that is more of the minority. Christianity is the major religion of the US; criminalized. White people make up the majority of people (not for long at this rate though); criminalized (aka racists). One priest molests a child, suddenly they all have a bad name. Shit like that. It just irritates me.

I don't like double standards. And because of that, I hate it when America says one thing, and does another.

So because of this, I'd love to see a mass prayer organized by students who want to participate be held in the middle of a lunch at school. Every day for a month, even if it takes a while because they get suspended. I'd love to see some kids stand up for their freedoms peacefully like that, and show America that hypocrisy doesn't fly!

And by peaceful, of course, I mean without bothering the other students. But you know some way, some how, it'd "offend" someone who was a pagan or other such religion, and those kids would get in trouble.

I say stop worrying about offending someone, and pray if you want to!

And to those who would be offended, I say if you're that worried about another's personal actions, you better take a chill pill and mind your own business. You do not have to pray nor worship their God just because you saw them praying. Look at something else and keep on moving.

It's time to stop waling on eggshells around people simply because they might not share the same views and ideas as you.

And for the record, while I do believe that there is a God, and was baptized Methodist, I have not been to church for a service in years. I do not consider myself a religious person at all. But I consider myself a tolerant one.

And that's what we all need to be--tolerant. Tolerant and respectful.

If only, right?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Please Stop Touching My Hair

So this is a bit of an odd topic to discuss, but it's something that I was thinking about today while battling a massive headache and upset stomach. Yeah, don't we all think of crazy things while we don't feel well? Anyways, I was thinking about how annoying it can be to be a ginger.

I'm not even talking about the "OMG GINGERS HAVE NO SOULS!!!!!" crap that goes around. That stuff doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I laugh it off and often tell them "Of course I don't, I took one too many self portraits and sucked my soul away!"

What gets to me are the people who act like it's so vastly different from other hair. Black people can back me up on this one. It's those people who think they have a right to touch my hair because it's red. I'm sorry, hands off. At least ask me first! Didn't we learn the "keep your hands to yourself" lesson in kindergarten? Apparently not.

The same thing applies to pregnant women. Just because she's pregnant does not give you the right to touch her belly! I've heard this complaint more than once.

I just don't understand where this mentality comes from in people.

Just because someone doesn't fit in with the majority doesn't mean that you, as a part of the majority, has some right to touch, poke, prod, comment, or otherwise be obnoxious about it.

And I know it's not everyone out there. But there are enough people who do it that it gets awfully annoying.

I also hate the people--yes, girls too--who are all "OMG I have a red head fetish so would you date me?"

I don't date people because they think my hair color is sexy. So sorry, but that's as bad as walking up to a woman and saying "You've got big boobs, so marry me." Grow up.

I understand that as a ginger, I make up a piece of the 10% of us who has red hair naturally. I understand that it is unusual, and you are curious. But dammit, respect my personal bubble! Open your mouth and ask me intelligent questions. I don't bite, I will respond.

And if you're lucky, I won't steal your soul since alas, mine is missing.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Your Horoscope's a Lie

So recently the big hype all over the internet is that the zodiac is changing, and not only are they adding in a thirteenth sign, but your astrological sign might change.

What a bunch of bull shit.

First of all, this only supposedly affects those born in 2009 and later.

Second, if you talk to any astrologer who creates horoscopes at depth and for you personally, they'll tell you it's all a bunch of crock.

Source 1

"A spokeswoman for the American Federation of Astrologers, Shelley Ackerman, said she'd been swamped with e-mails from worried clients. She advises them not to overreact.

"This doesn't change your chart at all. I'm not about to use it," she said. 'Every few years a story like this comes out and scares the living daylights out of everyone, but it'll go away as quickly as it came.'"

Source 2

And that does bring me to my third point, I heard about this in 2009, and no one cared then.

I'd like to share a bit of information to you horoscope reading folks.

You're only looking at your sun sign.

Did you know you have a moon sign too? That because of that, it changes what your actual overall zodiac means.

Did you know that every person has their own natal star chart that gives them their own personal horoscopes every day, and that differs from person to person? I bet you didn't.

You see, astronomers are very scientific. Astrologers, while scientific in their own way, operate on an entirely different playing field.

So before you go jumping for joy over a potential new constellation and zodiac sign, remember that it probably won't ever really exist in any books, readings, or otherwise. Because astronomers are not astrologers.

And in a month, no one will remember or care about this anymore anyways. So please calm down, breathe normally, and continue on with your life. It's going to be okay.