A place where one girl shares her thoughts and opinions on life, politics, and the world today.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A New Year's Resolution

A lot of people make New Year's Resolutions, and they never keep them. So my challenge to everyone is to make one you can keep. And try to be original too, so that it's more meaningful to you! Most people want to lose weight, quit smoking, and other such things. The kind of things that you say all year you're going to do, but never quite get around to it. They're things that you just know you won't stick with anyways.

I have set my New Year's Resolution. I actually started it before 2011 was even close, back in September. But that's okay, it still works because it's an ongoing process.

My resolution deals with the fact that I am a bit of an introvert, and I don't like being the center of attention, or drawing attention to myself much at all. So things that made me feel like I might, or that made me uncomfortable, I'd always make an excuse about and avoid. So for me, my resolution is to stop making excuses, and try everything first.

It's something that's personal to me. It's making me step just outside my comfort level, and let me tell you what, it's working wonders. Forcing myself to stop making the excuses, and to try things, has made me live life to a little bit more of its potential, and to really enjoy it more.

Reminds me of what I read once, "If you want to run across a parking lot screaming, go for it. Have fun."

So with this resolution I'm vowing to truly stop caring what people think, and to stop making excuses, and just try things. Push past the fear and discomfort, and see all that life has to offer.

Of course, there are some things medically that are still limiting me in some ways, but it's not enough to really matter.

So here's to finding a resolution that means something to you, and that you can really stick with! Cheers!

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