A place where one girl shares her thoughts and opinions on life, politics, and the world today.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pro Choice, not Pro Murder

Source: Click Here

I've been following this since it hit the news, and it just makes me sick every time I read about it.

Here's a man, who never completed the schooling to do abortions, not only performing them but doing so in such horrible conditions, and when and how he's not supposed to. And I can't help but feel that he was only seeing the dollar signs, and nothing else. It's these kinds of things that give abortion such a bad name.

I am Pro Choice. I am not Pro Murder.

I have said from the beginning of this debate that one has to draw a line somewhere on when you can and cannot have an abortion. I feel that if that baby could survive on its own outside of the womb, then you cannot have an abortion. At that point, it is actually alive. However, I do not feel that something that is not fully formed yet is wrong to have aborted. If it is not yet to the stage where it is a fetus that could survive outside the room, if lungs, heart, brain, ect have not formed yet so that it can actually live; then I don't feel it is truly alive.

Most doctors say this is during the first trimester, and the beginning of the second. And that's why you aren't supposed to be able to have an abortion after that amount of time, because then the fetus is able to survive after the induced labor.

Now, while I am Pro Choice, I am also Pro Limits.

I do not think abortion should be birth control!

Abortion should be a last-ditch method after all other avenues have been tried.

In this day and age of birth control pills/patches/IUDs/ect, condoms, spermicide, Plan B/Morning After Pill, and most importantly KNOWLEDGE; there is no excuse for getting pregnant!

Yes, accidents do happen. And there will always be that freak accident where the condom breaks, birth control fails, spermicide apparently didn't manage to kill them all, and holy shit you're pregnant. At this point you have taken all precautions, and you practiced safe sex. If you really don't want the child, an abortion is the last option out there if putting the child up for adoption isn't for you.

I've spoken with people who were given up for adoption because of things like this too. None of them feel too good about it. So adoption, while it means that the child is alive, isn't necessarily for the best.

So abortion should be a consideration.

I feel however in the case of rape, abortion should be allowed. You're talking a woman who was just violated, and had everything about who she was as a person destroyed. Making her carry for nine months a brutal reminder of this is just adding to the psychological trauma. And if she should keep that child, there's probably a much higher risk that the child will lead a troubled home life because of the mother's memories.

In the case of the mother's life being in danger if she were to proceed with the pregnancy and birth, abortion should absolutely be an option! It might seem like a noble thing to give birth and bring new life into the world, even if the mother dies in the process, but think how that child is going to feel knowing all this.

And too, in the case that you know your child would be born with severe developmental issues, I think abortion should be an option. It's just not fair to the child. Humans are cruel by nature, and a mother's love can only shelter a child from just so much. The quality of life just wouldn't be there, and that's not fair either.

However, in any of these cases it is NEVER okay to abort the child if you're into the final bits of pregnancy.

For those who feel the father should have a choice, I'd like to remind you that it's still the mother that must carry the child. In cases where the mother's life is not at risk and rape is not involved, I think the father should definitely have a say in it, but that it's ultimately the mother's decision. If the father wants to take the baby though, then that's fine too. But remember Dads, you're not the one who is going to have to carry the child for nine months and deal with all those fun trials and tribulations. And if you're the one pushing to keep the child, you ought to pay for the hospital expenses, because it's not cheap.

With all that said, I am firmly against the girls who fool around, get knocked up, and then use abortions like birth control pills. Not only do I think it's incredibly unhealthy, but I think it's morally wrong too.

Hell, I don't think married couples should use it that way either.

And I think that with all our technology, there should be a system in place to track abortions.

Think about it. Every legal citizen of the US has a social security number. HIPPA laws be damned, I think that those who have abortions should have them logged in a system only health professionals can see so that no one can abuse it. And I think the reason should be coded in too. A one for rape, two for health complications, three for choice, ect.

And then re-write HIPPA so that your doctor can only ask you about the abortions in certain instances.

Then people can't abuse the right. You can put laws in that regulate everything. Then you don't have to worry about tax dollars being needlessly spent on abortion.

Because like it or not, abortions will happen. And we can either allow them to be done safely, or we can have more clinics popping up like the one in the article.

Making abortions illegal is only going to drive people to perform them unsafely. You'll never be able to completely stop it from happening, so at least make it safe and keep it properly regulated.

And educate people on it.

Studies are already showing that teen pregnancy is down, which directly corresponds with increasing education about safe sex instead of abstinence only. So obviously education is doing a lot of good. Discuss what abortion does to a body, discuss the stages of fetal growth, discuss and teach everything. Let an informed decision be made.

I bet you'd find that abortion rates dropped too.

And last but not least, stop protesting outside of Planned Parenthood!

I know there are those who don't like what they do. Especially the church-going crowd. But for goodness sake, what are your protests actually doing? As we see with the one woman in the article, it scared a young girl into having a late-term abortion and a domino effect occurring. Rather than protesting PP, get out and offer counseling! Offer other solutions!

Or, just look the other way and voice your opinions elsewhere. Remember, not everyone prays to the same God in this country, which is part of what makes America so amazing. And so when you're protesting because your God frowns upon their decision, you really don't have a very strong argument for protesting with.

Facts speak louder than religion in this country.

And remember too, that Planned Parenthood is also a place where people can get affordable Plan B, where they can get advice on planning for a baby, where they can learn about contraceptives, and basically where they can get a lot of very useful information. Abortions are not the main thing offered there. And not all PP locations will offer them.

Planned Parenthood also isn't about promoting having sex. In fact, they too teach abstinence as the best option. However, they're willing to teach about other things too because they know that sex happens.

And in this day and age, it happens more than parents want to admit. And we all know that telling a child no just makes them want to go out and do the opposite all the more.

So in the end, education is best.
Regulation is the key.
Choice should never be taken away.
And Murder is always wrong.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can't just slap a bandaid on it

So there is a girl. She's 4'11", and was told that at 85lbs she's anorexic. Along with this she is stressed, depressed, and has insomnia. So the doctor gave her sleeping medication and told her to be sure to eat.

This has been going on for years, but she only just got diagnosed.

True story.

Anyone else see something wrong with this picture? If you don't, then the system has you jaded.

The problem here is that the anorexia caused everything else.

Depression can be caused by a poor diet, and by not sleeping.
Insomnia can be caused by not eating, because the body will think that if it sleeps, it will die.
When you can't sleep, and are depressed, your stress rises.
When you don't eat, you get sick more often, causing depression and stress.
Not being able to sleep will make you depressed. Or vice-versa.

And yet the doctor gave her sleeping medication. Just a bandaid.

That's like telling someone who just slipped with the knife in the kitchen peeling potatoes and gashed their thumb bad enough where it needs stitches, to put a bandaid on it and they'll be fine.

This whole country is jaded into just healing the symptoms, and never getting to the route of the problem. And doctors are a major component in this. Part of it though are the malpractice suits, and since symptoms are safer to treat...

Yeah, I think you see where this is going.

Everyone is blaming bad habits and the like for why this country is full of sick people. I blame the fact that no one is getting treated for the cause of their problems!

If I were treating that girl, I'd have her on a regimented diet. Menus and all. Poor family or not, it's not difficult to have store-brand cereal with a bit of milk in the morning, a sandwich with a bit of lunch meat on it around midday, and then to make a meal with one meat and two veggies for dinner. It can be managed! It just might mean buying juice instead of soda. Not going to Starbucks or Dunkin' Doughnuts on your way to work every day during the week. Not buying those candy bars to tide yourself over. Bringing water from the tap instead of buying it bottled. Simple things.

How many other people out there remain sick though because just the symptoms get treated? Kind of scary to think about.

With my IBS, I was offered stuff that would treat the symptoms. If I took this med, it'd help stop acid production. And if I took the other one, it'd increase bacteria. While the next one would get rid of the constipation.

In the end, I just started to exercise more, and changed my diet to be more healthy, and it seems to have everything under control. Granted, there's no cure for IBS, but instead of just masking the symptoms I went to the root of the problem, and am working on regulating that instead. Seems a hell of a lot healthier to me.

So next time you go to the doctor, give them a little credit for all the schooling they went through. Stop thinking about filing for malpractice before the appointment has even happened. And listen. And tell them you don't want to treat symptoms, you want to find and treat the problem!

See what they say. See if they agree with you.

And if you're able to do this, see how much better you feel because of it. Your body will thank you.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dear Employers, Dear Employees...

Dear Employers,

You need to be more like the company I work for.

I am not as versed in the ways of the world as some, but I've held those lower-level jobs and have a pretty good idea.

I did the retail thing. I've done food service. I have enough supervisory experience under my belt that I was qualified for an assistant manager's position in a couple places.

And in most of my experiences, you as employers all sucked.

Just because it's menial labor and you have a bunch of different stores doesn't give you an excuse to treat your employees badly. Positive reinforcement goes a long way in the work force, and your managers should know this!

Where I work now, everyone helps each other. And if a mistake is made, no one is afraid to admit it because you're not berated. In fact, you can ask questions without feeling like and idiot. And if you do make a mistake, you're kindly told how it should have been done, and there are no hard feelings.

But what's most important, is when you do something right, or come up with a good idea, they tell you as much. It's not just passed over and smiled about, they tell you a good job.

You just don't see that very often anymore. These days, the only time you hear from your superiors is when you're doing something wrong. And it's always anger that you seem to get. And the managers have crazy amounts of responsibility heaped on them, too, so they're also victims of the system.

The whole thing is broken. And it needs to start from the top, and work its way down.

Where I work now does not have as much of a turnover as where I used to work, either. In fact, we're such a good team that the company is growing by leaps and bounds instead of struggling through this troubled economy. And the employees, get this, are happy.

Morale is a big thing in the workplace.

So employers, time to step up to the plate and start treating your employees well. They will in turn be better workers for you.

No more screwing with their hours.
No more screaming and never complimenting.
No more playing favorites.
No more poor working conditions.
No more bad scheduling that pushes the legality limits of hours employees work.
No more being jerks.

Dear Employees,

You are not God's gift to a company (probably), so don't act like it.

Face it, there are ten people, probably more in this economy, at any given time who are ready to replace you should you decide to leave a job. You quitting will not cripple the company, and you're not that important. Sure, in some cases maybe you are, but you've usually worked with the company a long time to get to that point.

So don't act like a pompous jerk because you think they need you. They don't.

Value your job and make them want to keep you--to promote you.

And I'm tired of hearing about how you're "too good for a job." This is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. When you need money to put some food in your belly, that job probably will be just right.

Remember, you have to start somewhere, and it's normally the bottom. Want a better job? Give them a reason to promote you!

Especially all you kids my age! Since when is food service and retail too good for us? We are untrained workers in a world where training is everything because an employer can demand it, unemployment is so high. If you hate your job that much, quit and give it to someone who'd be grateful just to have a paycheck.

Nothing says you have to stay with that job, but it's a good stopping point until you can find a career. That's what I did.

You also need to stop expecting a job and perks to just be handed to you. I know "No Child Left Behind" has given us this expectation that everything will be handed to us, but that's not how the world works. If you really want something, you better be prepared to work for it.

And I'm tired of the excuses, too, as to why you can't do better. Once you stop complaining, you'll probably see that you can! This goes for anyone of any age out there. I've heard it from young and old alike.

Remember, it's just a job. And it's going to keep you off the streets and fed.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time to Focus on Number One

America, land of the free. America the beautiful. America, land of opportunity.

What happened to the pride we used to have in these sayings? Our ancestors, and perhaps some of our elder living relatives, immigrated to America for a better life. They came over, and worked hard to make a life here, and give us what we have today.

And today, we are just giving it away to any country with open hands crying disaster, famine, and diseased.

America has taken on the burdens of the world, while receiving little to no help in return from anyone. In fact, we're actually a very hated country! But we keep on trying to help everyone, and meanwhile we forget about our own people.

When I used to do this with my friends, helping them out and always giving them advice while ignoring my own problems until they just exploded and I couldn't handle it anymore and had a major breakdown, my mother gave me the following advice:

"You have to worry about Number One, Yourself. Let your friends handle their own problems."

And she was absolutely right. And this lesson applies to America too.

It's time to worry about Number One. What about your own people America?

What about all our homeless? What about the kids going hungry because their parents can't find decent jobs? What about the deficit, corruption, and other issues here inside our own borders?

It seems that we're very eager to continue to give out foreign aid, and never really help ourselves.

I think it's time to go back to what George Washington originally wanted for us--laize faire. Basically it means we'll mind our own business, and you mind yours.

America needs to let go of other nations, and handle her own problems.

Imagine for a moment that all the money we spend each year in foreign aid were no longer being spent as such. Suddenly, the deficit doesn't seem like it'd be so big anymore, huh?

We spend billions of dollars helping other nations, and struggle to find the money to fund schools to educate our children.

There is something wrong here!

Is it great that we're helping third world countries? Yes. But what about America? What about the people who've sworn loyalty to her? Are they second rate next to foreign countries?

No folks, I think it's time for America to pull in the troops, call back the aid, and let the peace corps do as they please while America heals. Because if we don't fix ourselves soon, there isn't going to be an America around to hand out free candy anymore.

God and Schools and Freedoms

This post is brought to you by the following Facebook copypasta:

A boy writes a letter to God. "Dear God, why do you let bad things happen in our schools?" God replied, "Dear Son, I'm not allowed in your schools." I challenge you to re-post this

Now, I'm not one to normally repost things like this, or even care. I usually just pass them on by, and keep cruising through all the other Facebook-official stuff that's going on. Little Suzy had her first burp? How cute, hit the like button. Little Tommy broke the cookie jar? Whoops, sounds like a bad morning for Mommy. I like to keep up-to-date with my friends.

So I just ignore when they post all the chain stuff, especially the ones validating their religious views and calling them brave. Not in to it, don't particularly care. Personally, I don't think you're any less devoted to Jesus Christ if you don't repost the big mass chain that you love him and he loves you.

But this one in particular caught my eye. And it's not because it's religious, and it's not because I believe that if God were still in the public school less bad things would happen.

It's the original fact behind the matter--God is no longer in schools.

And for some this is great, because hey, that's what we have churches and bible schools for. And yes, this is true, we don't need to be teaching and preaching God in schools.

However, I don't think it's fair that every other religion can be observed and used in school, just not the Christianity-based ones. Take for example when it was in the news years back, about the girl who fought to be able to wear her berka(sp?) in observance of her Muslim holidays. This was pre-9-11. It wasn't the religious issues she had to fight necessarily, it was the rule that stated no hats allowed!

But heaven forbid a child say grace out loud for him/herself quietly, or fold their hands in prayer to do it silently before a meal. Or if someone should want to study their bible in study hall after the rest of their homework is done. Or keep a rosary in their locker for good luck. With schools these days you'll be in the principle's office faster than lightning!

I have a big problem with this. I think it's wrong that Christians and Catholics and other God-fearing religions are so prosecuted in schools, but nothing else is. I think based on our First Amendment right, all kids should be free to express their religious views for personal things.

That is to say I don't condone them being allowed to preach their religion. There shouldn't be children going around trying to save another's soul and such. But if a child wants to pray to God for a good grade before a test, I see nothing wrong with that!

God should not be taught in the public school system, but should be tolerated. Just like every other religion out there. You learn about the history of religious foundings in Global Studies, and you move on. If one wants to actively learn a religion, they'll go to a church, mosque, synagogue, or other place of worship.

On this same line of thought, I also think it's wrong how we immediately criminialize everything that is more "main stream" so to speak, and victimize everything that is more of the minority. Christianity is the major religion of the US; criminalized. White people make up the majority of people (not for long at this rate though); criminalized (aka racists). One priest molests a child, suddenly they all have a bad name. Shit like that. It just irritates me.

I don't like double standards. And because of that, I hate it when America says one thing, and does another.

So because of this, I'd love to see a mass prayer organized by students who want to participate be held in the middle of a lunch at school. Every day for a month, even if it takes a while because they get suspended. I'd love to see some kids stand up for their freedoms peacefully like that, and show America that hypocrisy doesn't fly!

And by peaceful, of course, I mean without bothering the other students. But you know some way, some how, it'd "offend" someone who was a pagan or other such religion, and those kids would get in trouble.

I say stop worrying about offending someone, and pray if you want to!

And to those who would be offended, I say if you're that worried about another's personal actions, you better take a chill pill and mind your own business. You do not have to pray nor worship their God just because you saw them praying. Look at something else and keep on moving.

It's time to stop waling on eggshells around people simply because they might not share the same views and ideas as you.

And for the record, while I do believe that there is a God, and was baptized Methodist, I have not been to church for a service in years. I do not consider myself a religious person at all. But I consider myself a tolerant one.

And that's what we all need to be--tolerant. Tolerant and respectful.

If only, right?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Please Stop Touching My Hair

So this is a bit of an odd topic to discuss, but it's something that I was thinking about today while battling a massive headache and upset stomach. Yeah, don't we all think of crazy things while we don't feel well? Anyways, I was thinking about how annoying it can be to be a ginger.

I'm not even talking about the "OMG GINGERS HAVE NO SOULS!!!!!" crap that goes around. That stuff doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I laugh it off and often tell them "Of course I don't, I took one too many self portraits and sucked my soul away!"

What gets to me are the people who act like it's so vastly different from other hair. Black people can back me up on this one. It's those people who think they have a right to touch my hair because it's red. I'm sorry, hands off. At least ask me first! Didn't we learn the "keep your hands to yourself" lesson in kindergarten? Apparently not.

The same thing applies to pregnant women. Just because she's pregnant does not give you the right to touch her belly! I've heard this complaint more than once.

I just don't understand where this mentality comes from in people.

Just because someone doesn't fit in with the majority doesn't mean that you, as a part of the majority, has some right to touch, poke, prod, comment, or otherwise be obnoxious about it.

And I know it's not everyone out there. But there are enough people who do it that it gets awfully annoying.

I also hate the people--yes, girls too--who are all "OMG I have a red head fetish so would you date me?"

I don't date people because they think my hair color is sexy. So sorry, but that's as bad as walking up to a woman and saying "You've got big boobs, so marry me." Grow up.

I understand that as a ginger, I make up a piece of the 10% of us who has red hair naturally. I understand that it is unusual, and you are curious. But dammit, respect my personal bubble! Open your mouth and ask me intelligent questions. I don't bite, I will respond.

And if you're lucky, I won't steal your soul since alas, mine is missing.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Your Horoscope's a Lie

So recently the big hype all over the internet is that the zodiac is changing, and not only are they adding in a thirteenth sign, but your astrological sign might change.

What a bunch of bull shit.

First of all, this only supposedly affects those born in 2009 and later.

Second, if you talk to any astrologer who creates horoscopes at depth and for you personally, they'll tell you it's all a bunch of crock.

Source 1

"A spokeswoman for the American Federation of Astrologers, Shelley Ackerman, said she'd been swamped with e-mails from worried clients. She advises them not to overreact.

"This doesn't change your chart at all. I'm not about to use it," she said. 'Every few years a story like this comes out and scares the living daylights out of everyone, but it'll go away as quickly as it came.'"

Source 2

And that does bring me to my third point, I heard about this in 2009, and no one cared then.

I'd like to share a bit of information to you horoscope reading folks.

You're only looking at your sun sign.

Did you know you have a moon sign too? That because of that, it changes what your actual overall zodiac means.

Did you know that every person has their own natal star chart that gives them their own personal horoscopes every day, and that differs from person to person? I bet you didn't.

You see, astronomers are very scientific. Astrologers, while scientific in their own way, operate on an entirely different playing field.

So before you go jumping for joy over a potential new constellation and zodiac sign, remember that it probably won't ever really exist in any books, readings, or otherwise. Because astronomers are not astrologers.

And in a month, no one will remember or care about this anymore anyways. So please calm down, breathe normally, and continue on with your life. It's going to be okay.

I Don't Get MLK Jr Day Off

And I really don't care.

To me, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is about as important as President's Day. President's Day, for those who are too young to remember, is what they came up with instead of Washington and Lincoln's birthdays. I'm just old enough to remember them being on the calendar, and then disappearing.

But yes, both are useless days. What about JFK Day then? Or Susan B. Anthony Day? After all, both also made huge contributions to who we are today too, just like MLK Jr, Washington, and Lincoln.

So for me folks, it's just another day in honor of another person and I don't care. We had a lot of people in history that made significant changes to the country by rallying the masses somehow, and not all of them have days dedicated to them. I don't see what makes MLK Jr. any better than anyone else.

I know why he's on the calendar though, he's black. I'm sorry, but that's exactly what it is. And most kids only care because hey, they get the day off from school. And that's all any kid really wants.

I definitely only cared for that reason.

And I know the history of who he was, and what he did. He really did help gain equality between the races. And that's wonderful.

But he's no more special than Susan B. Anthony was during Women's Suffrage.

He was simply a figurehead to a movement that changed the country. You learn about it in history class, and you breeze over it because math is going to get you further in life than history most of the time.

So when I read this article, I couldn't help but smile. Finally a governor who is a real person. He said it like it was, and he's not caving in because a group of people who are a part of the "disadvantaged" minority (we'll cover why they're not disadvantaged another blog entry) are crying racist, basically.

Past actions show he obviously isn't, but it sounds to me like the NAACP wants him to drop life to be there, because hey, it's MLK Jr Day and we all should understand how worldly this man was.

I agree, kiss my butt.

It's just another day, and there is entirely too much hype over it.

And for anyone wondering about Columbus Day, I think we can all agree that discovering a new continent is pretty monumental. But, still just another day.

Besides, Columbus was a bastard. And some reports say the same of MLK Jr.

That's life though. Take another step forward and keep moving.

And don't get your panties in a bunch over such a silly day.

Especially all you people in the south. NAACP is also upset because the south wants kids in school on Monday to make up for snow days. So sorry NAACP, but they need the education, and the south doesn't plan for snow days. MLK Jr. Day is not a national holiday, so it has to be done.

Put your big people panties on and deal with it. It's not like they're doing it to spite you.

Really, I think a lot of people need to stop playing victim and just understand that things happen, history doesn't change, and life goes on.

I think I'm being too hopeful.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can't stop the smoke

In the little area I live in, we have a school. It's not very big, as evidenced by the fact that the elementary, middle, and high school are all one building, built on old farmland. The average graduating class is about 70-80 kids, and they are comprised of two full towns, plus the fringes of several others.

There aren't many people here.

So because of that, what little amount of businesses we have here we try to support, to keep our own little economy going. And we don't have much. One little market, and one market/diner, and an Agway (that is going out of business), really. At least in the heart of town.

For years kids have been crossing the street to the little diner for lunch once they've hit their Junior/Senior years of high school, provided their parents sign a waiver saying they can.

The school however for the last few years has been trying to stop this from happening so that kids can't go over there and smoke.

They went as far as trying to purchase the diner and get rid of it, to turn it into another of our many soccer fields. This was shot down by the community though, and the school was unable to purchase the property. Especially because above this diner are two apartments with people living in them.

So as of this month they finally found their way to stop it. They're just taking the privilege away, and claiming it's because the road is too busy. Which, let me assure you, it's not. The only death we ever had was when one kid stabbed another over a CD about 13 years or so ago.

The real reason is the smoking. They hate that kids can go over there, stand just off the parking lot on the grass, and smoke. And now by forbidding the kids from going over there, they're effectively killing probably half of the business the diner does.

But local economy aside, the point I'd like to make is that smokers are going to smoke. They have the D.A.R.E. program still, they teach about it in health class. Everyone knows that it's bad for you. But if a kid really wants a cigarette, they're going to find a way to have one.

If not at the diner, then they'll just go back to how they did it before they were allowed over there--by going to the graveyard that is right next to the school, hiding behind the caretaker shed, and smoking there.

It doesn't matter how much you teach people, how much you limit their privileges, and how much you threaten them. If they are going to do something, they're going to do it. Smoking is no different.

Kids have friends who will buy them cigarettes.
Contrary to popular believe, they do know what the consequences are health wise.
They're creative enough to find a way around the rules to smoke.
And if they want to, they will.

Would it be awesome if the world became smoker free? Yes. Is it? Absolutely not.

Lets face it, smoking really does help a lot of people relieve stress and anxiety. It's a calming thing, and so people are drawn towards it. I don't smoke myself, but both my parents do, and I have friends who are smokers. It doesn't make them any less intelligent, and they're not bad people.

So while we can preach to everyone we meet with a cigarette in their hand about how it's blackening their lungs with tar, and that they're sucking in fiberglass and rat poison; we're probably not going to change the fact that they are a smoker.

If you think about it though, why should we try changing the people? Smoking has existed for a long time, and when the Indians (Native Americans if you wish) were doing so it wasn't harmful to them.

Know why?

Because they were smoking tobacco. Pure, straight from the plant tobacco. No additives, no pesticides, just tobacco.

So maybe the issue isn't that we're smoking, but it's what we're smoking. Maybe someone should start manufacturing a cigarette that isn't full of harmful chemicals, and see what that does.

At least then the smokers can smoke something that's maybe not all that bad for them.

Because honestly, I don't think pipe smokers have the same issues as cigarette smokers. And I know marijuana smokers don't, minus the whole loosing brain cells thing.

The whole difference is in the processing of what they're smoking. That's it.

So I really think that we ought to do something to change what we can, which isn't the people.

We can change the cigarettes if we really want to. After all, we're making them.

You can't stop people from smoking. But at least you can make it less unhealthy for them.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Depression isn't always a choice

I'd like to take tonight to step away from the news, and step away from controversial topics to speak about something that I think doesn't have enough good literature out there on it. I want to talk about depression, because it's something that I've dealt with for a long time, and have had a lot of time to think about and come to a general understanding on.

I'm not a psychologist, nor a neural scientist. I can't claim that I know exactly what's going on with the chemicals in the brain, nor can I say I've done a study on these things.

What I can tell you is that I'm a real person with a real problem, and that people with similar issues come to me. Birds of a feather flock together, or so they say.

I feel that depression is something that is widely misunderstood all around. So many people claim that there has to be a cause, a trigger of some sort. Many times when I've told people I have depression, they want to know why. There are those who say my life is good, I have no reason to be depressed. And they're absolutely right, I don't.

Depression doesn't need a trigger. This much science does know. Depression can be triggered by something, or it can be a chemical imbalance in the brain. I do think that chemical imbalance needs a trigger though, but our brains work in such odd ways that I can't even begin to guess at what could trigger such a thing that isn't traumatic.

So I simply tell people I have clinical depression, and they just sort of smile and nod. I know they really don't understand, but they don't often question it either. Those who share what I have understand, and those who don't... well, they just don't get it.

On top of this I also have seasonal depression when winter hits. That is, when the sun is further from the earth, and the color and life is drained from the world around me, I get depressed. I think this is directly related to less Vitamin D in my system (which comes from the sun), and because we as human beings are not really made for cold weather. I also think I have a trigger for it though, possibly, because when I was struggling with the IBS I would often freeze myself by any means necessary to get myself numb to the pain, and fall asleep that way. So now my brain also associates cold with tiredness and discomfort.

Most people understand the seasonal depression though, and so that's not a big deal. A lot of people have it, actually.

But the clinical depression, as I've come to call it... that's the tough one. That's the one that people just don't understand. Some people don't realize they have it. And the solution for it is usually therapy, drugs, or a combination of the two.

I'd like to tell you that neither are necessarily a good option. If you truly need to work out issues, therapy might help--but only if you find a therapist that you can connect with. Any old therapist just won't do. This is evidenced by the fact that I had a therapist, and she tried using reverse psychology on me, and in the end it just made me almost quit school! We weren't a good fit, and I stopped going to see her after three sessions.

The next step was medication. I was put on 25mg of Zoloft to start, and it did work for me. A low dosage is all it takes for me, because I don't take medication if I can help it. So, when I do take it, it's very effective. You're looking at a girl who can kill a cold with children's medication still.

So the Zoloft took the edge off, and made me a functional human being.

Sort of.

You see, while I was happy and able to do day-to-day tasks, I also felt trapped inside my own mind. I often found myself thinking "Wow... this is what it feels like to be normal?" or "If it weren't for the meds, I don't think I'd be doing this..." It was a very weird sensation. So as nice as it was to not always have that nagging feeling tugging at my very essence, urging me to just curl up and ignore the world; feeling much like a living zombie was not that great either.

Still, the medication allowed me to get back on my feet, and I took myself off of it after a year. Had to, because it was driving me crazy.

The difference between myself and most people who take anti-depressants though, is that my doctor stayed in contact with me about them. When they weren't working and I still needed them, we upped the dose. And I went back to see her after a week to make sure they weren't making things worse. She is a doctor who is willing to work with her patients to make sure that things work as they are intended. That is very important in this situation.

These days though I don't take the medication. I've figured out how to fight back against the depression, and not let it control me.

I don't want it to, after all.

Depression is this feeling that burns to your very core, that you have no purpose. It's the feeling of being stuck in one place, watching the world and the people you care about passing you by. It's a feeling that no matter what you do, you can't catch up to those people. You're stuck and trapped, and you can't get out.

It's this feeling that you can't reach out to anyone either, because you have no voice. No matter what you say, no one understands. And when you talk about the problems, most people simply tell you "Chin up, tomorrow is a better day", or offer you a hug and hopes that you feel better. No matter how much you tell them, they can never seem to understand and offer you words of advice. They never seem to be able to truly reach out to you and give you the help you need. No one seems to understand that what you need most is someone who can hold your hand and be there for you when you need to simply cry.

And because no one understands, eventually you learn the ability to speak about things. After all, there is no sense in speaking about it if no one can help anyways. And so you become secluded, locked inside your own mind.

Sometimes you always were locked inside your own mind, never able to really talk about what it is that's bothering you, because you just don't know. And many times people just get fed up with you and ignore the problem. Say you're overly emotional and pass you by.

Depression makes one do strange things, because it causes an inner-numbness.

People do not understand why cutting is such a trend. They don't understand how one can take a knife or razor to their own skin.

I would like to tell you that I cut myself once. And it wasn't difficult to do, even using a dull blade, because I needed to feel something. Depression numbs you from the inside out, until you wonder what it's like to feel. And so you pick up a knife to see if you're really alive.

For some, the pain is an escape. Pain releases endorphins that cloud the mind, and so while they're in pain they can also experience a specific type of euphoria--something that they long for but can't seem to achieve any other way.

And it's for both of these two reasons that cutting is a serious issue, and very addicting. Just like drugs, it's a gateway to what you want.

Depression also messes with the mind. I am a person who has a very sharp mind, and I can remember things that most cannot. I've always been a good student and a quick learner, because my retention rate is so high. But my mother can always tell when I'm depressed, because I get forgetful.

I have spaces in my life that are just lost. I can't even vaguely remember anything. There are just black spots in my memory, where I know something belongs but I couldn't tell you what it is.

The scariest one I have is from right before my depression peaked. I lost six months of time, where I look back and I can't tell you anything that happened. People talk about events, things I was at, and I have no recollection of them. It was just one day I felt like I suddenly woke up, and there was the world around me. But I know that's not the case.

My childhood is very much like that. I can remember my third birthday party a bit, I remember the day my little brother was born. I remember stealing my sister's pacifier and bottle. But there is this large blank area in there. I am told that during that time my family was going through financial issues, and I actually wrote a letter to my grandmother about this. She still has the letter, and I have no memory of it.

I remember too in kindergarten, wondering what would happen if I died.

Looking back on this, I realize I was depressed and suicidal at a young age, I just didn't know it.

So no, depression doesn't necessarily have a trigger. And those who suffer in its grasp are often forlorn, and will exhibit behavior that is odd to their nature. I am one that becomes distant and forgetful. I lose my appetite for the world, and just lay in bed all day doing nothing but living in my own mind.

Others may pursue other things, such as going from one with a lot of morals and decency to a person who just wants to have fun--too much of it. Or perhaps they will start hanging with a different crowd of people, people whom they hope (or claim) understand them better.

But the dangerous ones are the ones like me who reach that suicidal stage. They will make an attempt, no matter how trivial.

For me, it was anorexia. I am not one who could ever take pills, or actually slice a vein open the right way to die, nor hang myself. But anorexia, that was something I could do. Not eating isn't hard when you lack a proper appetite.

And people who are suicidal will reach out to someone, because they never want to die alone. Being alone is the biggest fear one has when depressed, so they will try to keep at least one person around as much as possible. And it really is usually just one person, be it a friend, a lover, or a family member. Sometimes it's as small as a pet.

That said, it probably seems like those of us with depression are hopeless cases. But I did say that I had found ways to battle depression.

The biggest thing is a normal schedule. Rather than letter yourself become nocturnal, and sleeping as you please, you have to set a schedule and stick to it. Vitamin D is the most important thing to keep depression at bay, and that means being up in the daylight.

The regular schedule will also program your brain, which helps in its own way.

I've also found that to trigger more endorphins, safely, exercise is huge. Many people probably don't believe that exercise is good for depression, but it is. However, not just any old exercise will do! Going to the gym and running on the treadmill for an hour is not going to make the depression go away if you hate it. The key to the exercise is finding an activity you enjoy, and sticking to it. For me, it's martial arts and belly dance. Sometimes I also work out with my boyfriend, but it's not my key.

It's also good to find a way to express yourself. Something that lets you get the emotions out, and share them, without being laughed at. That's why many people who are a part of a creative field are often those who suffer from depression--any form of art (theatre, drawing, painting, writing, ect) often lets them express what they need to say. For me, it's photography, and belly dance even. For someone else it could be acting, or singing, or even writing.

Speaking of writing, keeping a personal journal is a good idea too. And not one on the computer necessarily, but a physical one. I just use composition notebooks. Writing out how you're feeling, without fear of people giving you those strange looks or telling you you're crazy, allows you to adequately get things off your chest and mind. And physically writing just works so much better in my eyes.

Those who are depressed are also going to look for that one person they can confide in, though this is the trickiest part. This person has to be someone that they can completely trust to not make fun of them, and not just abandon them. They're a person that will do everything to try and help them, and really listen to what they say. A true, true friend.

If you are that person though, do not be afraid to turn your friend into a counselor if you think they are going to try to kill themselves! While the person may hate you at first, in time they will thank you. If you're feeling up to the task, try to be their mentor to keep living. But I warn you, this is not an easy burden to bear.

The next thing to keep in mind, is that diet can control your mood. Yes, chocolate and ice cream may make you feel good, but they do nothing for your health. So if you're not eating right, and are constantly sick, you're not going to be happy. At least trying to eat better is a way to keep depression at bay.

These are definitely not end-all-be-all methods though, and they probably don't work for everyone. However, they can make depression manageable so you can keep living, and try to stay above it. It's not perfect though, and you will slip here and there. I do still.

Really, I fully believe that there is no cure for depression, because it's not really a disease. It's just how a person is. We don't really understand it all that well, so we can't do much for it. But at least if we can get people to understand that it's a struggle, and to be able to help, it won't be as much of an issue.

Because those who are depressed do not want to be medicated zombies, which is what many mental health clinics do to people. Nor do they want a therapist that just tells them they're wrong in how they think.

It's a delicate balance to find, and even more difficult to maintain. But once you get in a groove, it's much easier to do and you find that you're hooked on what it has to offer, so you keep going.

I have, in essence, become my own best friend and worst enemy when it comes to my depression. I've spent countless hours wondering on it, diagnosing it within myself, and coming to solutions for it. Because of this I'm great for myself because I can help myself rise above it. But I am my own worst enemy because sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I stated before, too, that birds of a feather flock together. Well, for whatever reason I attract other people who, like me, have clinical depression and need someone to reach out to. In high school, and even college, my teachers would often joke that I should charge for my time. If they only knew how serious the things were I were listening to, I don't think they'd have joked about it.

Through listening to people, and my own experiences, I've learned who I must cut loose, and who I can help. I know what to look for in people, to give them ideas to help themselves. I've basically become very empathetic, and I feel that because of this people seek out my friendship.

I've always wanted to help people, so I think it's ironic that for years I was also searching for someone to help me, and never finding that person.

Now I help myself, and have a boyfriend who can be my support. And so I let this spread to others as I support them.

And as I have helped others, I hope that this particular entry helps even more people. If not those who are depressed, then those who don't understand it. I'd like to hope that if you're not depressed, that you come away with an understanding of it so that you can help someone who is. And I hope that if you're finding as you read this that perhaps you are someone fighting with depression, that my advice helps you to find your way back to happiness.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

God Does Not Approve!


"The Westboro Baptist Church said Monday it plans to picket Thursday's funeral for Christina Taylor Green because "God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America." The fundamentalist church has picketed many military funerals to draw attention to its view that the deaths are God's punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.

Lawmakers denounced the church's plan to picket a child's funeral.

"This is just horrific that ... people have to deal with this. We shouldn't have to do this in time of great pain for our state," said Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, a Phoenix Democrat."

The minute I saw the article, I KNEW it was the Westboro Baptist jerks up to no good again. After all the protests they've done at soldiers' funerals, and all the disgusting propaganda they've tried to spread, you just begin to learn their mark.

Things get under my skin, but the Westboro Baptist "Church" really just pushes it to the max.

Church, and God, as I understand it are there to save people, and to cleanse you of your sins. And the only one who can pass judgment upon you is God Himself, and He loves all His children, and does offer forgiveness. This is what I was taught while I still attended bible school.

So it just blows my mind to see that there is such a radical group out there who has decided God is killing soldiers, and now innocent people, because He doesn't like homosexuality?

I'm sorry what?

I've heard some serious bull shit in my time, but this just goes up there to be some of the biggest bull shit ever.

And it really just irritates me that these people think they have the right to protest at FUNERALS. People are grieving, and yet here they are making things worse!

But to just go and top it off, they then complain when people try to run them over with cars and throw rocks at them, and the police do little to stop it. What do you expect? You're interrupting a private affair with your protests because you're seriously homophobic and just can't seem to leave well enough alone.

Honestly, I'd probably want to hit you with my car too. Things like this disgust me.

I really don't care if you're homophobic. I don't care if you don't agree with homosexuality. I don't care if you think that God wants to kill us all for whatever reason.

But you DON'T push these ideas on others! And you definitely don't do so by protesting at funerals!

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised for them to protest at a military funeral, and to have one of the fine people who protect the freedom they say they're exercising to free speech and freedom of religion to snap and shoot them.

And it doesn't say much to know that their entire church is comprised only of their own family. Seriously, these are some twisted people.

So I have to give a partial high five to the states who have banned the protest at funerals. I'd give them a big one if they made it illegal period, no matter how far away you were. So what if it's a whole football field, they'll still manage to make their presence known.

Far as I'm concerned, they're committing the tort of nuisance, and should have some serious civil charges brought against them.

And really, it takes a seriously twisted group to cheer for the deaths of people, especially children. Absolutely disgusting.

Westboro disgusts me beyond belief. And this just reinforces that feeling tenfold.

Is it wrong for me to hope they get too close to the human barricade and someone spits on them?

This Could Be Part of What's Wrong with America Part II

Part I

It's time for round two of stupidity that's made the news, and my sarcasm to make it that much more enlightening! America, time to buy some chlorine for the gene pool!

"WILMINGTON, Del. — Police in Delaware say a man broke into a house, got drunk and couldn't make his way back outside _ so he called 911 for help.

New Castle County police say 44-year-old John Finch was trapped in the home in part because he'd broken into it before, back in April. That led the homeowner to change the locks so that a key was required _ even inside.

Police say no one was home when Finch broke in again, through a rear window. He stayed for a few days, drinking three bottles of gin and two bottles of whiskey. When he tried to leave, he was too drunk to climb back out of the window and called 911. He was arrested Wednesday afternoon.

Finch now faces charges in both break-ins. Police say he was admitted to a hospital and has yet to make a court appearance. There's no indication Finch has retained an attorney."

I hope he didn't quit his day job, because apparently burglary just isn't high up on his skill set.

"FAIRFIELD, Conn. — The older man cruising along Interstate 95 in Connecticut could have been just another traveler _ except that he was in an electric wheelchair, in the breakdown lane, while cars and trucks barreled along a few yards away.

The mystery of the unidentified man in the cozy blue coat and sunglasses is leaving some chuckling, including witnesses who videotaped his unorthodox trip Thursday along the breakdown lane and off an exit in Fairfield.

Connecticut State Police say their troopers didn't encounter the intrepid traveler, but surely would have warned him about what vehicles are _ and aren't _ allowed on the highway."

Well, I guess he just couldn't afford the price of gas anymore. And at the rate gas is rising, this could be a trend! At least the people who sell winter weather stuff will make a fortune.

"LOS ANGELES — The Ohio homeless man whose smooth broadcaster voice made him an Internet sensation was questioned by police after he and his daughter got into a heated argument at a hotel during a trip to Hollywood to appear on "Dr. Phil" and "Entertainment Tonight."

"I don't know how loud they were," Officer Catherine Massey said, but the argument around 9 p.m. Monday at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa led to a disturbance report.

"It was minor. Both parties were angry but there were no signs of visible abuse," Massey said Tuesday. She said Ted Williams and his daughter "were brought in, calmed down, talked to and released" and she did not know the nature of the argument."

Man, if this is cause to be taken in by the police, my family should have been arrested long ago. Last time I checked, heated arguments were pretty normal. And furthermore, who cares about his personal life that much? Really now? I'm not impressed.

Yeah... welcome to America.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Defending the Guilty

So I've been keeping up with everything surrounding the shooting in Arizona recently, and I got to thinking; how does one come to the decision that they are able to create a defense for an obviously guilty party?

I mean, there is no denying the fact that Jared Loughner is guilty of shooting and wounding numerous people, including the Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and killing six. A number of people saw him do it, and two people tackled him on the spot. There is no question about what happened.

So how does someone honestly decide to defend such a person?

I don't think ill of his defense lawyer, because everyone does deserve to at least fully understand what's going on amongst all the laws and legalease and whatnot. Still, it boggles my mind as to how anyone can do that for someone like Loughner.

If I were in Clarke's shoes, I wouldn't be able to do it.

For as much grief as we put lawyers through with the jokes and the hard feelings, they really do have to make some tough decisions and do things they might not necessarily feel right about. Especially public defenders, who don't really have a choice about who they defend. At least 75% of their clients are probably guilty, and they still have to try and build a defense for them.

I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I knew my job might let criminals run free, no matter how petty the crime. I just couldn't do it.

And I can't imagine that in the beginning you can choose which cases to take, and which ones not to necessarily. Because until you've got that name for yourself, and notoriety, no one is going to hire you. So you have to join a firm and take what you can get.

My other thought though, is how good of a defense are these lawyers building at times anyways? Is it possible that a lawyer might not help a client to the full extent if they know they're guilty? I mean, lawyers are still people too, with emotions and consciences. It stands to reason that they might half-ass a job with a client that they know deserves jail time and not a free ride.

After what Loughner did, I know if I were Clarke I'd half-ass it. So I have to give her credit for even volunteering to step into the ring on this one, and giving it a go. I couldn't do it.

I couldn't do what most lawyers do. Not if I wanted to sleep at night.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Racist School Project

My boyfriend is currently attending an online college, and for the purposes of this blog entry I am not going to specify which. If you know based off the project, please do not mention it.

This college requires him to take a course that is an interdisciplinary study of the 60s. He is a nutritional science major. I know it doesn't make sense, but it's required based off the nature of his course--one of those bullshit classes you just have to have to pass college. For whatever reason, this is the required one and he couldn't change it to something else in the same category. He's not too pleased about it, but at least he'll never have to take it again. And even more thankfully, semesters here are 10 weeks of intense study, one week off, repeat. So he only has to deal with this for about two months.

Unfortunately the professor has gotten off on a very bad foot with both my boyfriend, and myself.

The first project they are to complete requires them to go out and take a photo of a minority (I can't remember if it specified black or not, but I think it did. I'll ask tomorrow) being treated in a racist manor by a white person, then come back, share the photo and write a report on it.

This irritates me on so many levels.

First and foremost, taking a photo of that nature is illegal unless you're covering a news story, in which case it falls under documentary photography. Even for school, it's an invasion of privacy and you do have to ask permission. I went to school for photography, and they pounded these things into my head.

Second, as backed up by a friend of ours who is a lawyer, not only is the photography technically illegal, but if the school weren't a private institution, the project probably would be too. He said that if they pushed the limits much further, it would be, it's that borderline.

But my biggest gripe is definitely that they're singling out white people as some sort of suppressor, and forcing people to look for racism.

I have said for a long time that affirmative action is a step backwards. Affirmative action just makes us all look at people as different, and tread on eggshells.

I live in an area full of people who don't give a damn about affirmative action, and I'd like to tell you that we have little to no racism here. It doesn't matter what color your skin is or where you came from, here you're judged on your actions and not your ancestry. And we do not call the black people "African American", they're black. We're white, not "Caucasian". Actually, many of us just consider ourselves American, and that's that.

It's definitely different in cities, especially the bigger ones. But we live an hour from any major city, making it so we're not exposed to that sort of stuff often.

But I am a firm believer that affirmative action drives us apart. The more you make people have to be careful of differences, the more it will stay in their minds that we are somehow different. We're not! We're all human beings. We all bleed red blood, we all cry salty tears, and every one of us is made from the same number of chromosomes (usually).

I really think racism would disappear a lot faster if affirmative action went away. If the fear of calling someone black weren't there, if people just blended together and didn't care that someone was a little darker than them.

And I can't claim that I'm totally above racism either, which brings me to my second point.

Racism is never going to totally go away, so stop making it worse than it has to be by focusing on it.

I was young when 9-11 happened, about 12 years old to be exact. I was a very impressionable child, and the thing that we learned at that age very fast was that the Muslims were very bad people. Particularly the men.

I'm 21 now at the time of writing this, and I will admit that I do not like Muslim men to this day. I have no foundation as to why not, except for what happened on 9-11, and just how much it really affected myself because I live in the state of New York. Knowing that I have a fairly unfounded prejudice though makes me stop and think before I just act unfairly towards someone, and if at all possible I simply try to avoid them.

Having a prejudice isn't something you can just toss aside at any time. And in times of war and hardship, those who are young and impressionable, and those who are angry, will develop unfounded prejudices and racism. It's just how the human mind works.

It happened in WWII. It happened in the Cold War. It happened during Vietnam. And it's happening now.

And people need to realize that sometimes their hatred has no foundation, and try to control it. No one is perfect, and you can't please everyone. We are all never going to get along. But causing more friction then necessary doesn't help either.

This project I think simply exemplifies a very bad train of thought in this country--white people are always the bad guys, and we're very racist.

It just brings to light that affirmative action still has us sectioning ourselves into categories, instead of melting and working together.

It shows that there is some seriously flawed ideas out there.

So my boyfriend did contact his professor and let her know that:
A) He doesn't own a digital camera, and even if he did, he probably couldn't operate it well enough for the project in time.
B) We don't live in that kind of area
C) He doesn't agree with the idea of the project.

The professor told him that he had to do the project anyways, but since he did not own a digital camera, nor did he live in an area with racism, to simply take an image off google and use that.

So now he's taking someone else's work, that may not have been trying to state such a message, and making it say that.

I'm just disgusted with the whole thing.

It's shit like this that causes more racism than necessary, and it needs to stop.

And furthermore, white people are discriminated against too!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Arizona Shooting

Source, even though one probably isn't needed.

So if you haven't heard about this already, you either don't live in the US, are too young to be reading this blog, or live under a rock.

Earlier today Congresswoman Gabby Gifford of Arizona was shot point blank in the head, and the bullet passed through her brain. She's currently alive and in critical condition.

Me personally, I have little hope that she'll survive. And if she does survive, I don't think she'll be the same person. It'd take a miracle for that to happen. But, miracles have happened before.

The shooter, thankfully, was arrested. Apparently he has a You Tube channel, though I'm not going to hunt it down myself. I don't like listening to crazy people talk. Irritates me to no end. But I've heard he's quite the nut job.

It's such a mess though. I can understand how he might have snapped considering the state of affairs of this country, but this is just beyond making a statement. It's wrong on so many levels.

The true tragedy of the day though, in my eyes, isn't that a politician was shot. It's that innocent people were involved, and a 9 year old girl was killed.

It's one thing to take your anger out on someone, it's another thing to use a gun. But above and beyond all that, it's a whole other playing field when you involve unrelated and innocent people--especially kids.

I'm sickened by the fact that there was a shooting at all, but I'm truly disgusted that he shot the child.

Honestly, what is this country coming to? We don't like our politicians, so we shoot them and everyone else at a supermarket? That's not the answer to our problems. I firmly believe in protesting, but not violently!

Want to make a point and letters just aren't cutting it? Then do it the right way! Follow Ghandi's teachings, protest without harming people. Civil disobedience goes a long ways if you can get enough people involved. But never ever should you harm someone or someone else's property.

This whole thing just makes me sick. This is not a world I want to live in, but I definitely don't really have a choice. I could leave America, yes, but I don't think other countries are necessarily any better.

Flags at half-mast tomorrow for sure. Arizona or not.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Northeast Means Snow

Living in the northeastern US means you're going to get snow. There's no avoiding it, at some point during the winter you're going to have to deal with the fluffy white stuff. It might not last, and it might not be as much as other years, but it will happen.

Being that this is the case, both the residents and the state should be prepared for it. People who live here should both know how to drive in the snowy conditions, and to plan accordingly; and the state should know how to budget the money accordingly to prepare for snow removal.

Somehow, neither really seems to happen.

Every year we get dumped on, and every year there are a ton of people in ditches, trees, power lines (well, the poles really), and other such things. Some are merely accidents that happened regardless of how safe the driver was being, but most are just because people didn't allow enough time to get where they're going or are impatient, and so they caused an accident.

Of course, it doesn't help matters that since the state's broke, they've decided to cut back on the transportation departments, which means smaller crews to try and keep up with the snow. The effect of course is that there aren't enough plows and roads aren't properly cleared. It's a half-assed job that's done because they're not adequately staffed, and so that just adds fuel to the fire.

Thus, we have bad roads in bad conditions with idiot drivers. It's just not a good combination.

Honestly though, I think the state should initiate everything. They need to overstep the budget to allow counties to hire more personnel to keep up with snow removal.

Keep with me here now! I know what you're thinking, that this would end up costing us, the tax payers, even more money that we don't have! But it won't!

I know, you think I'm crazy now. But follow my logic with me.

To understand, we must first have a history lesson. I know, I know, I'm asking a lot of you. But it's worth it, I promise.

Back in the day when earning a nickle an hour was excellent pay, there was a man named Henry Ford. He invented not only the first affordable automobile, but the assembly line.

This man's goal was to make a car anyone could afford. And so he kept the prices low and employed a lot of people and paid them decent wages, so that they could afford the car. So his employees bought his product, as did many other Americans, and he profited greatly.

Source 1
Source 2

So lets take a look at this. A man took a calculated risk, and hired many people to do a job. He then paid them well. They in turn could afford his products, which he reasonably priced, and in the end he turned a huge profit; more so than anyone else.

Are we seeing where this is going yet?

If the state takes the risk to employ more people, and pays them right, then these people will in turn have the money to pay their taxes, purchase things, and thus support the economy. We will also have better roads in bad weather, which will lead to less accidents and less people with unnecessary bills. Both of these things lead to people being able to invest in the economy.

With people spending money, the state can collect more on sales tax, thus regaining the money they put into the system to hire the extra men to keep the roads clean, and then some.

You have to spend money to make money, after all. And if spending a little money to keep us safe on the roads, and make them a bit more idiot proof can also turn a profit to the state, then we should go for it wholeheartedly. I know that this is only a theory, but, history says it has a very high rate of success.

And it doesn't just apply to the roads, it applies everywhere.

When one of the local companies around here undercut their gas prices by 10 cents a gallon, I guarantee that they made a huge profit from that. If people would just do that and keep the price down, they'd sell more.

If businesses could take the chance to hire people, those people would in turn have money to spend. Maybe not at their particular store, but at a supermarket or something instead. And the employees at the supermarket would increase in number to support the demand, and they might in turn spend at novelty stores and the like. It's just a big circle.

I had a teacher in seventh grade, my history teacher, who taught us about the economy. She said there were two types, basically. The happy face economy, and the sad face economy. I don't think I need to explain them. But she's right. And right now, we're definitely in a sad face economy.

Time to put this country on some Zoloft and lift it back into a happy face economy. Starting with square one--taking the risk to hire people.

Spend money, make money.

And learn to drive in the friggin' snow.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

The Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) policy in the military recently came under quite a bit of scrutiny as a part of Obama's campaign promises. Before 2010 ended, he also wanted to end the restrictions on the LGBT serving our country on sharing their true orientations.

Personally, I think there was a lot of hype made over a matter that didn't need it.

Really, the way things have been talked about it feels like if you're in the military, you can expect soon for people to be dancing around singing "I'm gaaaaaaaaaay~!" I know that won't happen, but that's how it feels. There is just so much media hype and whatnot that it's insane.

I'm on the fence about it myself.

I do think it's wonderful that they're repealing it for the sole fact that I never liked that men and women could receive not just a discharge, but a dishonorable one at that for being gay and wanting to serve their country. Love is not supposed to be a crime, but under that policy it was. Being removed dishonorably from the military can lead to issues with getting employed as a civilian, with how the public treats you, with getting certain permissions, and a whole mess of other things. And it's not like people can see why you were dishonorably discharged necessarily, and you might not get a chance to explain.

So effectively, it was something that could ruin your life.

By removing the DADT policy, we're now opening up the ranks to the LGBT free of the fear that they have to hide lest they lose everything no matter what.

But if I were in the military, I certainly wouldn't tell anyone that I like women.

Even though the policy is being repealed, I don't think it's a good idea to be completely open about it. If it comes up, fine, but really... think about it. If you're serving a month long duty on a submarine, you're going to be stuck in close quarters. That alone is going to make for some discomfort, because as humans we do like our space. Now add in to this factor some homophobia and an openly gay sailor (we're not going to dive into the jokes on this one lol), and you've just poured the powder out of the keg.

Let us also look at women in the military. It's been coming out in the news recently about the high rape issues there are. What makes people think that this won't carry over to the LGBT crowd too? No, I wouldn't want to take that chance. Because no matter what policy says, it's been shown repeatedly that officers can and do choose to look the other way.

So looking at it, I'd say yes to not allowing the dishonorable discharge anymore, and boo to actually going around sharing that you're gay. It's just not a good idea.

Sticks and Stones

I've been blogging about the news a lot lately. Might as well keep up the trend!

Related Article: Source

Mark Twain was an amazing author who wrote two of the most controversial books; Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In their day, the satire and topics in them were controversial. Today, it's the liberal use of the word "nigger" that has many people up in arms.

I'm sorry to anyone offended by it, but the book should remain as it is. I don't see the purpose to altering such an amazing literary work because we are ashamed of our history. These words are not being used because the book is made to offend someone. They are not written in there because it's known to be wrong to say. Nigger is in that book because in 1885, that is what black people were often known as.

It was a mere 20 years after the civil war. While colored was probably slowly seeping into culture at that point as a more acceptable term, we were still adjusting to not being slave owners, and to black people being a part of the free population. It takes years for people to fully accept such monumental change, and in that time, people didn't have to.

Changing words in the book to "not offend people" is like trying to change our history, and hide things. We're supposed to be uncomfortable when learning about things we did that are now embarrassing. If we weren't, then we wouldn't have learned anything. And if we don't share the past in the best ways possible to teach about it, we are doomed to repeat it.

Let's look into the origins of the word a bit, to understand better why it really did start as just a word, and why it is the actions that make it something to be disgusted about, and not the word itself.

"The origin of the word "nigger" is in the Latin "niger," meaning "black." The word, as "niger," entered into Spanish and Portuguese. Early Modern French obtained it from Portuguese where it became "negre" and "negro," respectively. English acquired the word from French, which was manifested in earlier English variants, such as "negar," "neegar," "neger," and "niggor." "Neger" is a current word in both Dutch and German, as well as Scandinavian languages. " - Source

"In researching this story, I looked for the origins of 'nigger.' Some scholars say 'nigger' was derived from the Latin word for the color black which is spelled 'n-i-g-e-r.' Then I spoke with Professor Robin Lakoff. She's a sociolinguistics professor at the University of California's-Berkeley Campus.

She believes the word 'nigger' is a deliberate mispronounciation of the word 'negro.' That, she says, is why the word has so much negative power."

"Etymologically nigger is a doublet with negro as they both ultimately derive from niger, the Latin word for "black". Note that it does not necessarily mean "a black person", just "black" the color. On the other hand, Africa's Niger river and the country of Nigeria were given those names because of the color of the people there. Nigger entered Middle English as neger, a form of the Old French negre, itself borrowed from the Spanish negro, "black"." -Source

"The modern word nigger is a variant of an older term, neger, pronounced with a long /ee/ sound, which is still in use in Caribbean dialect. It comes from the French nègre, in use to mean a black person since at least 1516, and ultimately from the Latin niger, meaning black. The word negro comes from the same Latin root, although the route negro took into English was via Spanish, not French. " -Source

So as we can see, the word "nigger" comes from Latin, and as Americans we bastardized the word to suit our needs. The word itself is a mispronunciation for the Latin word for black. It's not offensive in that sense. It's when you add the history behind it that we have a problem.

When Mark Twain wrote those books, much of that history was still being written. "Nigger" was still a commonly and openly accepted term, and probably was not as derogatory back then as it is now.

So now, by changing the verbiage of the books, we're essentially trying to re-write and change history. Why? Why not use it to teach instead? Why not teach the origins, and why it has become to mean something so different? Because let me tell you what, finding the origins of the word is no simple matter. I don't trust Wikipedia necessarily, so finding what I did took a bit of digging. But I'm always happier to be informed.

No, the books need to stay as they are, and people need to understand where the negativity comes from, and why it wasn't there yet at the time of writing. Because I firmly believe that it's only through learning both the good and the bad, that someone can understand properly why they should and shouldn't do something.

So rather than suppress it, we're better off to use the books to teach with, so that kids understand why they shouldn't use the word. And so that we can better understand the rich history our ancestors have left to us, for better or for worse.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Birds Birds Everywhere!

So I posted this blog entry a little while back. Not even a week ago. As if that weren't a freaky enough thing to be blogging about, I get to add on!

Article 1: Source

"NEW ORLEANS — It isn't easy being a blackbird in the South.

First, New Year's Eve fireworks were blamed in central Arkansas for making thousands of blackbirds confused, crashing into homes, cars and each other. Then 300 miles to the south in Louisiana, power lines likely killed about 450 birds, littering a highway near Baton Rouge."

Article 2: Source

"STOCKHOLM — Officials say about 50 birds have been found dead on a street in Sweden.

Veterinarian Robert ter Horst says the cause of jackdaws' deaths was unclear but that fireworks were set off near the scene Tuesday night.

The birds were found dead on Wednesday."

Right, so now we've got more dead in Louisiana, and it's spreading to Sweden! This is just plain creepy.

And I'm sorry, but I don't believe for a minute that tons of fire works are responsible for both mass deaths. It just seems too unlikely that such a thing would happen twice for the same reason. And I don't believe that so many birds would fly into a power line and die. Especially since at least the ones in the states were all the same kind of bird.

This is freaky. I don't have an explanation for it, but I doubt what the experts are saying.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The World is not Safe for Children

Video: Click Here

I just watched that and it's just... wow. It's really sad to see that most people are too afraid to get involved and try to help. Either because they're scared of the attacker, they don't know if it's really a kidnapping, or if they're afraid the police will somehow end up pinning it on them... it's just sad.

Two hours though... that's just way too long. Most people would be long gone with their victim. What's more sad is it took two young men who probably have no children of their own to figure it out and take action. And boy were they! Someone was about to get the shit kicked out of them if it weren't a staged kidnapping. Wow!

For those who are wondering what the video is, in short it's a news reel of a staged kidnapping. The guy grabs the young girl, and she starts screaming "You're not my daddy! Help me! Someone help me! He's not my daddy!" A lot of people stop and turned to look, but it takes two hours before two young men turn and take off after the guy. The mother of the little girl watched with horror from a van with video cameras that no one would help her child. I'd be horrified too, personally.

Just when we thought the world might be becoming a safer place... it's not.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mom and Pop Should Balance America's Checkbook

It really does amaze me sometimes just how far in debt this country is, and how bad our politicians are doing getting us out of it.

I mean really, many people out there who are 35 years of age or older are perfectly capable of balancing a checkbook and living within their means. They always make sure to double check their receipts and keep good records of where their money is going. And they know how to prioritize what they need.

Look at my own mother for example. She runs her own business, and it's not doing so great. So she hasn't been cashing her paychecks for a while, and instead we've been living off Dad's disability and social security income. This means that we've had to cut back on a few things, and give up the excess.

Christmas was not as extravagant. When we go grocery shopping, we don't buy tons of cookies and bags of candy. We can't go out to just any movie or concert or theatrical performance anymore. While we still have cable, we dropped the extra channels like HBO and Showtime. And all sorts of other things, because that's what we needed to do to make it work.

My parents recognize the fact that you can't keep the same lifestyle when life is constantly changing.

Somehow, our politicians seem to live in this daze that they can let America just stay on its same path, and not worry about where life is taking this country.

We are going further and further into debt every day. And the government keeps instituting useless spending.

I'm sorry, but the health care reform is not needed. We can't afford to add anymore bills right now. We can't have it. Whether or not it oversteps the Constitution (which I do believe it does) doesn't totally matter if we can't afford it.

We need to stop handing out so much to foreign countries in federal aid. No one does the same for us, and what happens outside of America really ought to be none of our business anyways. But most importantly, we can't afford it!

Politicians don't need more money, the country does. So all this shit where they vote themselves another raise... I don't think I need to explain this one.

Welfare needs to be repaired. How many dollars are being wasted by careless spending in this department. To summarize my idea on welfare until I get a chance to go into details on it, basically you put a time limit on welfare. And only in extreme cases are exceptions made. Because welfare is not the same as disability.

Social Security Disability needs to be fixed too. There are some people out there who are abusing this too, and cracking down on it will help. First and foremost though, unless there are some serious extenuating circumstances, you should have to have been paying into the system for a minimum of ten years before you can even qualify for social security. I know there are some people who really don't have a choice, but that's a different story. We're talking about Joe Blow who pulls all the strings possible to get social security and be lazy. Or forges the documents.

Useless committees and such need to be abolished. I'm sure we've got some that just aren't doing anything to help improve the country, but we're sinking billions of dollars into a year. Let's analyze what every committee does in the government, and reduce them. Hell, there are probably redundancies too!

Keep everything transparent too, so Americans can have a say on it. Believe it or not, we're pretty good with money. Well, a chunk of us anyways. And we can help our appointed officials be good with our tax dollars too. Might get the country back on its feet.

And hell, while we're at it lets make the states start budgeting within their means too.

It'd be nice, wouldn't it? To have a perfectly balanced budget? It won't happen though, probably.

I think it's humorous though, that our government, the highest form of leadership and business, cannot get a balanced budget nor are they held accountable for where they spend what. But so help you god if you should be a business owner who gets audited, and you can't account for every last penny to the IRS. If the IRS could audit the government, I bet we'd be appalled.

And I bet we'd have a 100% fresh batch of people in office, because I doubt any of those politicians we have now are above corruption.

So I say throw out the experts, and get rid of the family lines of people who've been in office forever. Drag up the recliners, clip boards, ashtrays, and reading glasses. And hand America's checkbook over to the people who can actually balance one--the moms and pops of the world.

We'd be good to go in no time flat.

The Birds

Source Article: Click Here

"Environmental service workers finished picking up the carcasses on Sunday of about 2,000 red-winged blackbirds that fell dead from the sky in a central Arkansas town."

Okay... holy smokes. Does anyone else feel like it's some crazy scene that could have been in The Birds? I kinda do. I know that the birds didn't die in the movie, but so many birds dropping out of the sky dead just kind of rings to the same tune. Wow.

I definitely feel bad for the birds though, definitely makes you wonder what would take out so many birds in a one mile area. Even more so, that's a lot of birds of the same kind for such a small area!!! Creepy!

Hopefully though it's from nature, and not humans. But these days you just never know.


Saturday, January 1, 2011


Originally submitted at UncommonGoods

Get ready to touch, time, see, smell, balance, bluff, listen, locate and laugh your way through this outrageous game! Senseability is the game that brings you to your senses as teams race to perform fun challenges spread over 10 sensory categories. Could you identify a hidden symbol using only your...

Hilariously Great Time

By Saknika from Saratoga Springs, NY on 1/1/2011


5out of 5

Pros: Interactive, Fun, Entertaining, Can Withstand Use

Cons: Difficult Instructions

Best Uses: Friends, Family, Adults, Teenagers

Describe Yourself: Average Person

Was this a gift?: Yes

This game is best played in large groups with people you're not afraid to be silly around. You'll also want to play in a room with space, because you won't be sitting down for it. Get ready to laugh, because there's no avoiding it! I think the only thing about this game that could be improved on are the card instructions. Sometimes it's easy to understand what you're supposed to do, and sometimes it takes a little bit of asking around to figure it out. But it's worth it, and makes for a lot of great memories. Definitely not for kids though, because it does require some pretty good motor skills and knowledge of life in general.
