A place where one girl shares her thoughts and opinions on life, politics, and the world today.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

God Does Not Approve!


"The Westboro Baptist Church said Monday it plans to picket Thursday's funeral for Christina Taylor Green because "God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America." The fundamentalist church has picketed many military funerals to draw attention to its view that the deaths are God's punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.

Lawmakers denounced the church's plan to picket a child's funeral.

"This is just horrific that ... people have to deal with this. We shouldn't have to do this in time of great pain for our state," said Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, a Phoenix Democrat."

The minute I saw the article, I KNEW it was the Westboro Baptist jerks up to no good again. After all the protests they've done at soldiers' funerals, and all the disgusting propaganda they've tried to spread, you just begin to learn their mark.

Things get under my skin, but the Westboro Baptist "Church" really just pushes it to the max.

Church, and God, as I understand it are there to save people, and to cleanse you of your sins. And the only one who can pass judgment upon you is God Himself, and He loves all His children, and does offer forgiveness. This is what I was taught while I still attended bible school.

So it just blows my mind to see that there is such a radical group out there who has decided God is killing soldiers, and now innocent people, because He doesn't like homosexuality?

I'm sorry what?

I've heard some serious bull shit in my time, but this just goes up there to be some of the biggest bull shit ever.

And it really just irritates me that these people think they have the right to protest at FUNERALS. People are grieving, and yet here they are making things worse!

But to just go and top it off, they then complain when people try to run them over with cars and throw rocks at them, and the police do little to stop it. What do you expect? You're interrupting a private affair with your protests because you're seriously homophobic and just can't seem to leave well enough alone.

Honestly, I'd probably want to hit you with my car too. Things like this disgust me.

I really don't care if you're homophobic. I don't care if you don't agree with homosexuality. I don't care if you think that God wants to kill us all for whatever reason.

But you DON'T push these ideas on others! And you definitely don't do so by protesting at funerals!

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised for them to protest at a military funeral, and to have one of the fine people who protect the freedom they say they're exercising to free speech and freedom of religion to snap and shoot them.

And it doesn't say much to know that their entire church is comprised only of their own family. Seriously, these are some twisted people.

So I have to give a partial high five to the states who have banned the protest at funerals. I'd give them a big one if they made it illegal period, no matter how far away you were. So what if it's a whole football field, they'll still manage to make their presence known.

Far as I'm concerned, they're committing the tort of nuisance, and should have some serious civil charges brought against them.

And really, it takes a seriously twisted group to cheer for the deaths of people, especially children. Absolutely disgusting.

Westboro disgusts me beyond belief. And this just reinforces that feeling tenfold.

Is it wrong for me to hope they get too close to the human barricade and someone spits on them?


  1. This is how they work as a group. They are as controversial as possible, then sue anyone who touches them for harassment. They thrive off of making people angry. The nonviolent protests have worked the best - the bikers revving their engines so they can't be heard, the people forming human walls to block their view, the cheering to drown them out, etc. We need more of that to make them irrelevant. They are the lowest form of humanity, but they know it, and they don't care.

  2. I'd love for them to become irrelevant. Thank god for enough sane people being around to protest their protests.
