A place where one girl shares her thoughts and opinions on life, politics, and the world today.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Arizona Shooting

Source, even though one probably isn't needed.

So if you haven't heard about this already, you either don't live in the US, are too young to be reading this blog, or live under a rock.

Earlier today Congresswoman Gabby Gifford of Arizona was shot point blank in the head, and the bullet passed through her brain. She's currently alive and in critical condition.

Me personally, I have little hope that she'll survive. And if she does survive, I don't think she'll be the same person. It'd take a miracle for that to happen. But, miracles have happened before.

The shooter, thankfully, was arrested. Apparently he has a You Tube channel, though I'm not going to hunt it down myself. I don't like listening to crazy people talk. Irritates me to no end. But I've heard he's quite the nut job.

It's such a mess though. I can understand how he might have snapped considering the state of affairs of this country, but this is just beyond making a statement. It's wrong on so many levels.

The true tragedy of the day though, in my eyes, isn't that a politician was shot. It's that innocent people were involved, and a 9 year old girl was killed.

It's one thing to take your anger out on someone, it's another thing to use a gun. But above and beyond all that, it's a whole other playing field when you involve unrelated and innocent people--especially kids.

I'm sickened by the fact that there was a shooting at all, but I'm truly disgusted that he shot the child.

Honestly, what is this country coming to? We don't like our politicians, so we shoot them and everyone else at a supermarket? That's not the answer to our problems. I firmly believe in protesting, but not violently!

Want to make a point and letters just aren't cutting it? Then do it the right way! Follow Ghandi's teachings, protest without harming people. Civil disobedience goes a long ways if you can get enough people involved. But never ever should you harm someone or someone else's property.

This whole thing just makes me sick. This is not a world I want to live in, but I definitely don't really have a choice. I could leave America, yes, but I don't think other countries are necessarily any better.

Flags at half-mast tomorrow for sure. Arizona or not.

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