A place where one girl shares her thoughts and opinions on life, politics, and the world today.

Friday, January 14, 2011

I Don't Get MLK Jr Day Off

And I really don't care.

To me, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is about as important as President's Day. President's Day, for those who are too young to remember, is what they came up with instead of Washington and Lincoln's birthdays. I'm just old enough to remember them being on the calendar, and then disappearing.

But yes, both are useless days. What about JFK Day then? Or Susan B. Anthony Day? After all, both also made huge contributions to who we are today too, just like MLK Jr, Washington, and Lincoln.

So for me folks, it's just another day in honor of another person and I don't care. We had a lot of people in history that made significant changes to the country by rallying the masses somehow, and not all of them have days dedicated to them. I don't see what makes MLK Jr. any better than anyone else.

I know why he's on the calendar though, he's black. I'm sorry, but that's exactly what it is. And most kids only care because hey, they get the day off from school. And that's all any kid really wants.

I definitely only cared for that reason.

And I know the history of who he was, and what he did. He really did help gain equality between the races. And that's wonderful.

But he's no more special than Susan B. Anthony was during Women's Suffrage.

He was simply a figurehead to a movement that changed the country. You learn about it in history class, and you breeze over it because math is going to get you further in life than history most of the time.

So when I read this article, I couldn't help but smile. Finally a governor who is a real person. He said it like it was, and he's not caving in because a group of people who are a part of the "disadvantaged" minority (we'll cover why they're not disadvantaged another blog entry) are crying racist, basically.

Past actions show he obviously isn't, but it sounds to me like the NAACP wants him to drop life to be there, because hey, it's MLK Jr Day and we all should understand how worldly this man was.

I agree, kiss my butt.

It's just another day, and there is entirely too much hype over it.

And for anyone wondering about Columbus Day, I think we can all agree that discovering a new continent is pretty monumental. But, still just another day.

Besides, Columbus was a bastard. And some reports say the same of MLK Jr.

That's life though. Take another step forward and keep moving.

And don't get your panties in a bunch over such a silly day.

Especially all you people in the south. NAACP is also upset because the south wants kids in school on Monday to make up for snow days. So sorry NAACP, but they need the education, and the south doesn't plan for snow days. MLK Jr. Day is not a national holiday, so it has to be done.

Put your big people panties on and deal with it. It's not like they're doing it to spite you.

Really, I think a lot of people need to stop playing victim and just understand that things happen, history doesn't change, and life goes on.

I think I'm being too hopeful.

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