A place where one girl shares her thoughts and opinions on life, politics, and the world today.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time to Focus on Number One

America, land of the free. America the beautiful. America, land of opportunity.

What happened to the pride we used to have in these sayings? Our ancestors, and perhaps some of our elder living relatives, immigrated to America for a better life. They came over, and worked hard to make a life here, and give us what we have today.

And today, we are just giving it away to any country with open hands crying disaster, famine, and diseased.

America has taken on the burdens of the world, while receiving little to no help in return from anyone. In fact, we're actually a very hated country! But we keep on trying to help everyone, and meanwhile we forget about our own people.

When I used to do this with my friends, helping them out and always giving them advice while ignoring my own problems until they just exploded and I couldn't handle it anymore and had a major breakdown, my mother gave me the following advice:

"You have to worry about Number One, Yourself. Let your friends handle their own problems."

And she was absolutely right. And this lesson applies to America too.

It's time to worry about Number One. What about your own people America?

What about all our homeless? What about the kids going hungry because their parents can't find decent jobs? What about the deficit, corruption, and other issues here inside our own borders?

It seems that we're very eager to continue to give out foreign aid, and never really help ourselves.

I think it's time to go back to what George Washington originally wanted for us--laize faire. Basically it means we'll mind our own business, and you mind yours.

America needs to let go of other nations, and handle her own problems.

Imagine for a moment that all the money we spend each year in foreign aid were no longer being spent as such. Suddenly, the deficit doesn't seem like it'd be so big anymore, huh?

We spend billions of dollars helping other nations, and struggle to find the money to fund schools to educate our children.

There is something wrong here!

Is it great that we're helping third world countries? Yes. But what about America? What about the people who've sworn loyalty to her? Are they second rate next to foreign countries?

No folks, I think it's time for America to pull in the troops, call back the aid, and let the peace corps do as they please while America heals. Because if we don't fix ourselves soon, there isn't going to be an America around to hand out free candy anymore.

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